Ludmila presented N4T results at NanoInnovation Conference in Rome
NanoInnovation Conference & Exhibition took place in Rome, October 19-23 2022 (
It represents the reference national event for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved
in the study and development of micro and nanotechnologies and in their integration with other enabling technologies (KETs) in all fields of application.
NanoInnovation has always been a unique and unmissable opportunity to connect academia, research and the entrepreneurial system with the aim of presenting and sharing innovative ideas, transferring knowhow, allowing the integration of knowledge and experience between different fields of application of nano -biotechnologies.
Ludmila presented results of the Nano4Tarmed research team published in Graphene Oxide Nanoplatforms to Enhance Cisplatin-Based Drug Delivery in Anticancer Therapy article (Nanomaterials Journal, July 2022)
You can read the whole article here: content/uploads/2022/10/nanomaterials-12-02372-v2-2.pdf